Summer is the Best Time to Find a Troubled Teen Program

Picture of Mary Warren
Mary Warren

Therapeutic Consultant
and Parenting Coach

Memories of past summers and holiday celebrations, familiar conflicts and over scheduling can create havoc for parents struggling with an out-of-control teenager. Many parents put off plans to seek help for their troubled teens until after the summer or holiday break. Parents tell me, “I’d hoped this time would be better. We thought maybe we would wait to enroll them in a Teen Residential Treatment Center next fall.   My advice is DON’T WAIT!

While is true that you will miss your child, the sooner you start the enrollment process the sooner you will get your good kid back!

If you choose to wait; here are a few tips to reduce stress over the summer:

Troubled Teens: Reducing Family Stress During The Summer Break

1. Relax, don’t over schedule activities
2. Make sure everyone is getting enough rest and eating healthy, especially you!
3. Engage your teenager in a charitable “feel good” activity that helps others: Volunteering and the homeless shelter, donating food to a family in need, donating presents for underprivileged kids.
4. Avoid conflicts, triggers and stressful events
5. Communicate with your teen clearly about his/her expectations, make sure boundaries are clear.

Transport teams are available and therapeutic schools don’t shut down for the season. Help is available 24/7 if you need to urgently remove your teenage child from a situation that can cause him or her further harm.

If you’ve made the decision to enroll your troubled teen in a troubled teen residential program like a therapeutic boarding school, you can start the therapeutic boarding school  enrollment process now.  Get everything in order, finish making all of the arrangements, spend the day with your family and right after get your teenager to the teen residential program you chose.  This way you can get your good kid back and help him or her alter their future.

To learn more about the options and services we offer click here.  To speak to someone or get more information contact me now.

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