Time to Consider Something New

Picture of Mary Warren
Mary Warren

Therapeutic Consultant
and Parenting Coach

Yay for SPRING!!! Snow is melting, flowers are blooming, new leaves are sprouting on the trees, longer days, and warmer weather! A fresh start for everything and everyone.

What do you see for your fresh start? A new haircut? New work out? Fresh paint in the bedroom? New career? How about a new way of thinking? New communication tools? Maybe a new class, or hiring that Life Coach you’ve been dreaming of?

For me, when Spring arrives it brings a sense of freshness for new beginnings and new growth. I love purging stuff. Cleaning out drawers and closets that have items I no longer want or use makes me super happy. Letting go of old stuff makes room for new stuff! It creates a sense of openness and space. It lightens my heart!

Do you have a Spring ritual that brings you joy? Like maybe washing windows so the sun can shine in a little brighter? Or maybe just going for a walk and breathing the fragrant air?

Another great thing to do is shed some old habits that may not be serving you and learn new ways of being. This can also be a great time of looking at a current situation that you have been struggling with. Does your relationship need a reboot? Do you want to improve communication with your teen? Could your self-image use a lift? Now is the time to assess these things and make a plan of action!

I have been reading a super inspiring book I would like to suggest for you! It’s called BARE by Susan Hyatt. If you are looking to shed a few pounds WITHOUT dieting, declutter your home, or change up your wardrobe, this book is for you! It’s all about letting go of what doesn’t serve you. Buy it!

Touring Troubled Teen Schools and Programs

I have been traveling again touring more schools and programs. This time I toured 9 new programs. From all-boys to all-girls and young adult programs. There are so many programs out there! I want to be able to learn about as many as I can so I can offer more solutions to families with struggling teens and young adults.

One thing I love to do when touring these campuses is to interview the students. I like to talk with the newest student to the one that has been there the longest. This gives me a good overall perspective of how they feel about being there. It is so interesting how open and honest they can be about their stay at the program. One thing I hear a lot (and it just warms my heart) is how they don’t blame their parents and in fact are grateful that their parents had the courage to make this crazy difficult decision for them.

Not every student has a great attitude if they have only been there a few days. They may still be pissed off and in the “blaming mode”. These are the ones who tell me they did nothing wrong. They were just “misunderstood”, even though they were flunking school, smoking pot, and being defiant with parents, among other things.

When I talk to a student that has been there for 4 weeks or more, their attitude is totally different. In fact, they become accountable and explain what they did to get themselves where they are. This is when they really start making progress in their journey!

Would you like to learn more about these programs? We have lots of valuable information about programs and educational consultants in our FAQs that can help.

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